Course Catalog

AP Latin Vergil/Caesar

Art AP1112
This is an AP course.By enrolling in an AP class, you are required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. See details on the way AP courses work at BLA here.
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Course Description

AP Latin is designed to provide advanced high school students with a rich and rigorous Latin course, approximately equivalent to an upper-intermediate (typically 4th or 5th semester) college or university Latin course. AP Latin students prepare and translate the required Latin readings with an accuracy that reflects precise understanding of the Latin in all its details; they also read and comprehend passages at sight, even if not with full understanding of every detail. Required readings include selections from Vergil’s Aeneid and Caesar’s Commentaries of the Gallic War both in Latin and English. Engaging term projects are assigned. There is a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston each year with a culminating project.

Student Voice

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