Course Catalog

Latin Poetry Honors

Art Honors1112
This is an Honors course.This class is weighted in your GPA with a 0.5-point boost. See more info on how this works here.
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Course Description

Students in Latin Poetry Honors will read, analyze, translate and interpret select writings by major Roman poets in the original Latin. Latin poets will include but are not limited to: Catullus, Sulpicia, Vergil, Martial, Horace and Ovid. Emphasis will be placed on poetic genres, conventions, and influences, as well as differences in freedom of expression during the Roman Republic and Empire. Students will learn and examine elements of poetry including the scansion of several meters, figures of speech, historial and mythological allusion. Engaging term projects will be assigned. This course includes a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Student Voice

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